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Agent Management & Training

You are expanding and spreading wings across the globe. You need powerful agents to assist and build your brand, help you partner new universities and take the system to a different level.  With this in mind, DLP India has been the first of its kind organization which has launched a well-developed system of Agent management and training for institutions.
Our services aim at greater and consistent agent efforts directed towards networking. You will experience a drastic reduction in costs when you opt for our agent management and training processes. With the ever expanding customer base and global spread, inconsistencies and communication atrophies start emerging. We ensure well-trained agents who streamline the system and aim at the following benefits:

  • Communicate effectively with the various universities
  • Address clients’ issues empathetically
  • Widen student base and  loyalty
  • Represent the institution globally
  • Resonate with the policies and ideologies of the institutions
  • Long-term relation building with various education partners

We specialize in offering customized arrangement with universities looking forward to our services. The benefits which each package renders are ongoing and long term.
These are cost-effective processes where you, in a way, ensure agent retention over a long span of time. You land up passing on the pain of recruiting and training agents to our experts. The agents learn to master the art of building new contacts, seeking partnerships with educational institutes across the globe and build long-term relations with current partners.




DLP India Edutech Pvt. Ltd., A 149, First Floor, Ganesh Nagar
Near Central Hospital, New Delhi-110018

Contact No. : +91 9958 934 646, WhatsApp +91 8010 230 510, Email : info@dlpindia.com

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